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502 performs their live videomusic opera


Doors at 7

502 performs their live videomusic opera for the first time

Flux Factory Governor's Island, 404A Colonel's Row

Free Event

502 projects their train performance game "Use Dipper At Night" on a cathedral, and installs their interactive game "Houses For", all scored by legendary artist Laraaji

Governor's Island Parade Grounds

Free Event

502 Bad Gateway's first large scale NYC exhibition, a multimedia narrative installation with video games, sculpture, and film

Flux Factory Governor's Island, 404A Colonel's Row

through june 30

502 plays live visuals with Grammy award winning Jazz ensemble "Stefon Harris and Blackout"


502 and Von perform a live music film inspired by Black Narcissus and The Devils at the legendary club theater event DISKOKINA


502 and Von use Zerospace's LED Stage to hold a choreographed Motion Captured Mass

Free Event: DM For Tickets; Limited to 100

502 uses hanging hardware to showcase a new kind of visual performance for Von's 3rd Bloody Mary event.

Tickets Here

502 Bad Gateway's first full scale exhibition. Displayed in Rome at T293 Gallery.

Exhibition Page Here

Our second show with Von, and this one is bigger and dirtier

Tickets Here

502 turns DJ Dave's Live Code into a cathedral; Motion Capture, Boxing, and Blood for Von's 4th Bloody Mary event.

Tickets Here

See 502 Bad Gateway perform live visuals with Von and friends at h0l0 6.26

Tickets Here

Virtual tour showcasing some of our favorite works at the iconic Watch Your Step! gallery located in the closest known star system to black hole QV Tel Ab.